(A9) ADDITION MODULE NINE (6,300+ images) (images available now / data to come this summer) |
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For Module Nine, Archivision undertook a major documentation of important works in the Netherlands during the summer of 2013, including Het Schip and Spaarndammerplantsoen
(north and south) by Michel de Kierk. Other important works in the Netherlands include the Hilversum City Hall by Dudok, the colourful Institute for Sound and Vision by Neutelings Riedijk Architecten, the early modern (Nieuwe Bouwen)
Zonnestraal estate by Jan Duiker, and the famous De Stijl Schröder House by Rietveld. The module also contains a selection of art works from the Rijksmuseum Garden and museum. For new architecture from Asia this module includes
Taipei 101 by C.Y. Lee & Partners, the Beijing Capital Airport, the Shanghai Tower by Gensler (still under construction but almost there …) and 21_21 Design Sight by Tadao Ando in Tokyo. Traditional Asian architecture includes
the Daoist Xuanmiao Temple (Shanghai), the Buddhist Miaoying Temple (Beijing) and Angkor Thom, Cambodia. From the USA there is extensive coverage (317 images) of exemplary Mid-Century Modern homes in Palm Springs; the amazing new
Sunrise Mountain Library by Richard+Bauer in Phoenix, and Saguaro National Park in Tucson. From France this module has extensive documentation of the beautiful Baroque Église du Val-de-Grâce by F. Mansart, the exciting new Citroën
C42 showroom by Gautrand and important artworks from Musée Rodin and Centre Pompidou. From Vienna we cover the Spittelau Viaducts Housing Project by Zaha Hadid, gorgeous interiors of the Österreichische Postsparkasse by Otto Wagner
and the Technical Museum (TMW) Entrance by Querkraft (firm). Works from Warsaw include the Warsaw University Library (by Budzyński and Badowski) and the amazing Soviet-era Warszawa Centralna railway station by Romanowicz. New works
from Quebec, Canada include the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain (with the reclaimed area, Station des Cageux by Daoust Lestage Inc.), the LEED-certified green roof Bibliotheque de Charlesbourg by Croft Pelletier Architectes, the new
Quartier des spectacles (including the Vitrines habitées) and a complete overview of the famous Mosaïcultures Internationales Montréal 2013--sculptures of living botanical material which drew over a million visitors. And finally,
for free content, we have included a selection of 150 surreal and humorous drawings from the contemporary artist Linda Baker-Cimini, who resides in the Berkshires, MA (be sure to see her amazing site: http://pantsateria.com/linda).
:· For preliminary content list:
:· Sample Linda Baker-Cimini's art (150 images included for free):
:· For license fees: