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d'Archivision en version PDF
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Nikon ED 4000
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Sample Data

Susan Jane Williams, Archivision Data Specialist, has recently re-cataloged 28,000 records (Base Collection, plus Addition Modules One and Two) into VireoCat, bringing Archivision metadata into VRA Core 4 and CCO compliance. Our extensive metadata is now easily mappable to any system and 5 hours of free data assistance, mapping to your local needs, is available with each Archivision Library license. You may also request to receive the Archivision Library in VireoCat, an open source cataloguing utility written in FileMaker, allowing you to add and catalog your own content. For more information on VireoCat and this option please click here.

Great Temple of Abu Simbel

Data: Excel / XML

Musée d'Orsay

Data: Excel / XML

Cornaro Chapel

Data: Excel / XML

Ecstasy of Saint Theresa

Data: Excel / XML

Urban Views, Chicago

Data: Excel / XML

Hill House Light Fixture

Data: Excel / XML